Psychics and Tarot Cards
Secrets You Didn't Know: Find out before getting a psychic and Tarot card readingPsychics and Tarot Cards: Secrets you Didn’t Know.
Psychics and Tarot cards—both are mysterious. Navigating through the internet, it’s hard to know who is a genuine psychic and has real psychic abilities versus a phony or fake psychic. Equally challenging is if you can trust a phone psychic reading, the psychic reader, where you can find an accurate psychic or accurate psychic readings, who is the best psychic or highest rated psychic, or if psychic “predictions” are real or accurate.
Here, you will find a lot of good and helpful advice about psychics and Tarot cards. Or peruse my other informative articles, which cover all of this and more. Learning about psychics and Tarot cards requires a lot of reading and research. But I highly recommend it before getting a psychic phone reading or in person psychic reading with anyone.
Armed with knowledge, you are less likely to fall prey to unscrupulous or subpar psychics and Tarot card readers, as well as palm readers.

Psychics and Tarot Card Readers
What Are Some Psychic Myths?
The Psychic and Tarot Card Reading Process
About Psychic Abilities
Psychics and Tarot Cards

Psychics and Tarot cards: Who is considered a real, accurate, or legitimate psychic? Their readings?
With either psychics and Tarot cards, or both, a good, accurate psychic and Tarot card reader provides the best psychic phone reading possible, simultaneously providing a sacred portal to self-discovery.
Psychic and Tarot card readings may reflect love, soul mate or other relationships, family, career, money, financial issues or health, but all these experiences are, in fact, an entry point to this self-discovery and spiritual awakening. We learn through experience, not necessarily knowledge.
Psychic and Tarot card readings should uplift self-esteem, emphasize talents and abilities, encourage self-examination, provide clarity and spiritual understanding, present alternate forms of thought, pinpoint problem areas or patterns and assist in finding concrete solutions.
Psychics and Tarot cards can’t manipulate psychic information or impose order upon it. All we can do is share the information presented. We are not magicians, so we cannot manipulate or change your life. We can’t make those things you wish for to appear or get rid of those things you wish would disappear. Psychics and Tarot cards don’t work that way. That is, real psychics and Tarot card readers.
Anyone who tells you otherwise, I would stay far away from them.
Psychics and Tarot cards: What is the difference between an honest and real psychic and one who is neither?
Psychics and Tarot card readers are only as good as the person behind doing either. To become aware and educate yourself, I highly recommend that you read my article post: Psychic scams: the worst of the worst.
Can psychics and Tarot card readers reunite me with a loved one?
Psychics and Tarot card readers don’t have this kind of power over you or anyone else.
As much as one might want to reunite with someone, he or she must accept that no one can control or alter the path that another chooses, needs, or feels compelled to take. If anyone claims the ability to do this; RUN, don’t just walk away!
Psychics and Tarot card readers often say they are 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation psychics. What does this mean?
In my opinion, it means absolutely nothing. It sounds more like a marketing tool or a way in which to imply possession of a greater degree of psychic abilities. As far as I’m concerned, this is bull.
Psychics and Tarot cards reflect energy, and the Universe has given each one of us psychic abilities in abundance, tapped into or not. It isn’t a “special” DNA gene that is passed, such as your nose or shape of mouth.
Psychics and Tarot card readers: Why is there such a huge disparity in charges for psychic services?
Psychics and Tarot card readers are individuals with varying degrees of psychic abilities. The skills, or lack thereof, that one possesses are no different to anyone working in any industry. The best, most accurate psychic reading is not necessarily received via the most famous or well-known psychics and Tarot card readers. And some of these are not necessarily who they claim to be.
Without judgment, we all have our reasons for charging or being paid what we feel is best for us. This is what I charge for my services. Fees which I feel are reasonable and affordable for my 30+ years of experience. Additionally, I have not raised my rates in years, even though many have in our current crazy economy.

Psychics and Tarot cards: What are some myths?
Myth 1: • Psychics and Tarot card readers focus on insignificant information or it's obscure or meaningless.
We can believe that everything has a spiritual essence or significance, or none of it does. Personally, I wholeheartedly believe the former.
As such, whatever (real) psychics and Tarot card readers decide to focus upon, if it appears, it has significance. As do those psychic perceptions, intuitive nudges, or gut instincts that everyone receives, no matter how insignificant we choose to believe they are or if we choose to ignore them.
Newton’s third law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, which is cause and effect. The theories of Six Degrees of Separation or The Butterfly Effect also indicate variances of this, as well as our connectedness to everything in the Universe.
We can never know that what we assumed to be an insignificant event, such as a call received, a new person we just met, or an action we took (cause), didn’t eventually create a major turning point in our lives (effect).
If (real) psychics and Tarot cards present this type of information, is it not important? This includes every action taken by another (cause) that directly or indirectly affected us or others too (effect). Information like this is also presented by psychics and Tarot cards.
Moreover, every experience of our lives is what eventually teaches us about ourselves. Yes, the significant moments and the less so. These lessons come in myriad forms: via our feelings or experiences in the workplace, our relationships; sexual and otherwise, how we choose to express ourselves creatively, issues with money or materialism, our businesses and so on. Again, information like this is presented by psychics and Tarot cards, knowing or unknowing of its short- or long-term significance.
Among other meanings, The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card is indicative of cause and effect or Karma (Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions, or Christian-based, as you sow, so shall you reap) and this is whether or not we assign “good” or “bad” to these actions made by us or by others.
The Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck depicts a wheel within another wheel (cause and effect) and with both turning in perpetuity; there is no beginning and no end. As a result, where or when one event appears in the wheel of (our) life, we cannot know for certain, nor if this event was initiated by an action that we took, or the result of one taken by another (our interconnectedness).
We also cannot know how many other connections this initial entry creates, nor can we know the chain reaction of events that follow or resultant outcomes (The Butterfly Effect).
To dramatize instances of cause and effect, our connection to all and that no action is insignificant, consider this scenario:
You are already in a bad mood and there is a long line at the checkout. As you wait your turn, you become increasingly angry.
Finally reaching the clerk, you take your anger out on him or her. Because of your action (cause), in turn, the clerk becomes angered and takes it out on the next person in line (effect). This person, agitated by the clerk, yells at their child on the way out (cause), who had (naturally) become restless during the wait, then cries and cannot understand what he or she did to deserve being yelled at (effect).
And so on down the line…
A single careless action (seemingly insignificant) set in motion a chain reaction, which detrimentally affected many. This same scenario could have had a different outcome as well.
You could have been mindful of your bad mood, but desired to change it. Once you approached the clerk, you smiled at him or her and said something kind. This action would also create a chain reaction of cause and effect, but one far more beneficial for the many it would affect.
A good psychic and Tarot card reader will present everything they see, feel, or hear. As you can see, either everything has significance or none of it does.
Myth 2: Psychics and Tarot card readers and astrologers are the same as fortunetellers who do fortunetelling or tell futures.
If this was true, then various studies conducted at esteemed universities such as Cornell, Princeton, and Edinburgh, the Stanford Research Institute, or at the Institute of Noetic Sciences were done to ascertain understanding about “fortunetellers” or “fortunetelling,” rather than psychic phenomena or the vast potential of human consciousness.
Additionally, the U.S. Government (CIA) funded research on psychics and psychic phenomena, not fortunetelling or fortunetellers, to the tune of 20 million dollars!
Clearly, psychic abilities or phenomena are not equal to fortunetelling!
Therefore, one can see how ludicrous it is to make the comparison. Yet, some counties and cities across the US enact ordinances or laws stating exactly that: Psychics and Tarot cards and even astrologers are fortunetellers! Live in the Dark Ages much? Hello?
As such, these counties or cities have, via legal channels, created a clever way to relegate what they surmise are these “undesirable types” by gloming them together as one and the same: Psychics and Tarot card readers are “fortunetellers.”
Thereby, they force them to operate in “red-light” or more dangerous areas of town only, and not in mainstream business areas where others who provide similar spiritual (or other) counseling services are welcomed and allowed. They also impose higher taxes and/or more stringent licenses to operate.
This, despite whether the so-labeled fortuneteller is, in fact, a spiritual counselor who also happens to be psychic. So, whereas any other spiritual counselor can be located and welcome nearly anywhere in town, a “psychic” spiritual counselor is automatically and forcefully labeled a fortuneteller and treated entirely different.
Psychic means “of the soul, spirit, or mind” which is not the same as “fortunetelling” in the least.
Additionally, Arthur Edward Waite, the creator of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, which is the most widely recognized and used Tarot deck, had this to say about the Tarot: “The allocation of a fortune-telling aspect to these cards is the story of a prolonged impertinence.”
We can do little about those who are uneducated regarding psychics and Tarot cards, or choose to serve other masters over truth. Studies of psychic phenomena are still in infancy and further study is often avoided due to the very ignorance and stigmatism still perpetuated.
I did what I could to fight a county in Virginia regarding this very issue. Although my attorneys made some in-roads; this county, as well as others, remain woefully ignorant.
Myth 3: If it’s true that Psychics and Tarot cards don’t predict my future, and psychics and Tarot card readers aren’t fortune tellers, then why does it seem that both reveal the past, present, or future during a reading?
Firstly, Albert Einstein said, “…the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Therefore, our concept of “time” is a construct and doesn’t exist.
Secondly, information in and of itself is essentially inert or displays “potential.” It has no concept of time or space and it has no power until acted upon in some way (cause), to which an (effect) is created.
Thirdly, real psychics and Tarot card readers tap into unconscious energy, as do all psychic abilities. Many call this energy the collective unconscious, the God mind, or the Universe, which is our very connection to everything and everyone.
Psychics and Tarot cards or psychic abilities have no true concept of time and all present this unconscious information as “potential.” Therefore, any revelation offered, which is then interpreted by psychics and Tarot card readers, is reflective of this unconscious potential, often expressed or understood within our understanding of time: in past, present or future tense.
It’s not unlike scenes from the movie; “It’s a Wonderful Life”, where guardian Angel and messenger of God, Clarence Odbody, allows George Bailey to “see into his future.” In so doing, there was no actual passage of time between that moment and the future, and Clarence’s intent was never to reveal George’s future for future’s sake. Rather, to enlighten George of his actions at present (cause) that was potentially creating that future (effect).
This allowed George to understand the value and meaning of his life at present and to make different choices. Similarly, in A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge experienced supernatural visitations by “Past, Present, and Yet to Come” Ghosts for essentially the same understanding and personal transformation.
Clearly, there is very distinct difference between what is construed or labeled “fortune telling” versus the actual intent of real psychics and Tarot card readers. Further, what is the purpose of Tarot cards, psychic abilities, or astrology? To illuminate for understanding. I should think that Clarence; a messenger of God, would think it blasphemous being labeled a fortuneteller by anyone’s standards, especially miscreants who make and enforce laws.
Myth 4: Psychics and Tarot card readers always know about situations concerning their own lives to avoid personally unpleasant events, see outcomes, or choose the winning lottery numbers.
Psychics and Tarot cards, or being a psychic intuitive and tapping into that energy, is not equal to enhancing or avoiding those experiences in life that we/our soul consciously or unconsciously chose to have.
All events have a purpose, whether we label them in the moment as good or bad. The objective for our life experiences is evolution of one’s individual soul as well as our collective souls.
We all learn from experience and especially those experiences that are difficult, challenging, or painful. No one is immune, including psychics and Tarot card readers.
Thinking in terms of “As Above, So Below,” one can begin to understand that the lottery, pursuing money at all costs, or focusing on materialism has no true bearing on the human soul whatsoever, other than to deny it in the process. Therefore, it does not serve the soul to allow psychics and Tarot cards, intuition, or other psychic abilities to interfere or cause to pursue something that will not ultimately serve its objective.
Myth 5: Psychics and Tarot card readers can make predictions about my death or the death of someone I love.
Typical television or movie scenes portray psychics and Tarot card readers giving a reading, while a nervous individual sits before them in a darkened room.
The “psychic” is an Eastern European or Caribbean accented “Gypsy fortuneteller” wearing a sparkly turban and sporting long-pointed fingernails. The music swells, and the poor person begins to sweat in dreaded anticipation. With heightened music and a flourish − the Gypsy fortuneteller throws down the Death card. It’s always the Death card. Sigh.
This is a perfect example of how a dramatic movie or television show plays upon our basal anxieties because we all fear this unknown aspect of our lives: our physical death or the death of someone close to us.
Never mind the information is delivered by someone made to look equally ominous! Had a far happier looking and sounding card, such as The Star been slapped down instead, and the fortune-teller looked even remotely normal, it just wouldn’t have the same theatrical effect.
In the Tarot, the primary meanings of the Death card are change and transformation. One example of this would be the change that occurs when a child transforms into being a young adult − and again, transforms from a young adult into adulthood. These transitions are an unconscious force of Nature and are indicative of the Death card.
We choose to end (let die) bad habits, such as alcoholism or smoking and we transform our potential for ill health. Or, we learn to love ourselves and let go of toxic relationships that do not support our new sense of self. These conscious life choices are also indicative of the Death card.
These are just a few examples of what the Death card means. It just doesn’t have the same desired dramatic effect, pray sufficiently on one’s fear, or serve a particular religion’s need for domination and control (via legal or other channels).
It is far easier to create terror or promulgate the illusion of what psychics and Tarot cards do or represent, or a “type” who is psychic and reads Tarot cards.
Myth 6: All psychics and Tarot card readers or psychic abilities are the same.
In my opinion, all psychic abilities emanate from the same God Mind/Universal Source, but do not manifest in the same way for all individuals.
Each (or several) of these also has its strengths and weaknesses within each individual too: Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairalience, empathic ability, psychometry, psychokinesis or telekinesis, precognition, telepathy, dreams, remote viewing, or other forms of extra sensory perception (ESP).
Psychics and Tarot cards, and the interpretations given from what is received, are as different as we are individuals.

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Psychics and Tarot Cards: The Process

What exactly is a psychic and Tarot card reading?
Intuition or psychic ability emanates via the unconscious mind, collective unconscious and/or the Universal / God Mind in the form of energy. Genuine psychics and Tarot card readers connect to this energy in myriad ways: Clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathy, dreams, or Tarot cards are but a few.
Effectively, it’s a way in which our Higher Self communicates to us – offering assistance, solutions, or understanding, which is often communicated via symbolism, synchronicity (meaningful coincidence), or through psychics and Tarot cards.
The unconscious symbolism of our dreams metaphorically represents aspects of our lives. A psychic and Tarot card reading can operate similarly. Both transmit this energy in the form of symbolic information, which may require some interpretation or deciphering to understand.
Since we are not separate from each other and connected to one another, psychics and Tarot cards can pick up information about you, those around you, and events or situations that may affect you and/or those in your environment.
Achieving the greatest degree of self-awareness and enlightenment of one’s soul is through one’s experiences and choices in day-to-day life. A psychic and Tarot card reading can help to identify and clarify direction. This includes love, soul mate and other relationships, family, career, money / financial decisions, business, or immense life changes, such as a major loss or move. All of these, in small or large part, have bearing on our emotional / mental / spiritual process and ability to choose and live a happy and balanced life.
Can psychics and Tarot cards provide timing or time frames?
One Universal law is cause and effect, and as Einstein proved, time is relative. Choice(s) made in the past and present (cause) are what creates your future (effect).
The people, events, or situations around you are also creating their own cause and effect. Both combined take the Hands of God to orchestrate, and often, the Universe decides to throw in a surprising twist or miracle as well.
Therefore, we must be patient and have faith in the process of our lives. Everything has a purpose and a time and place. It will all fall into place when everything is in Universal order and not a moment before.
Psychics and Tarot cards provide information, some of which (by individual interpretation) can indicate timing or a time frame. At least, within our understanding of time. But the Universe doesn’t care about time or even recognizes it. If you must, use whatever timing is indicated via psychics and Tarot cards as a possible guidepost and never a rule.
I have received many psychic and Tarot card readings predicting I would meet someone new, get a job, or move. It seems that many of these psychic predictions don’t come true. Why is that?
There are several reasons why a psychic and Tarot card reading may or may not seem to ring true. This may lay with the psychic, the client, or both.
The psychic and Tarot card reader may have had little or no true psychic ability and simply told you what you wanted to hear. Conversely, the psychic and Tarot card reader may have had true psychic ability and provided solid, accurate information. The client, not wanting to hear or accept whatever it was, simply dismissed it. There are also instances when legitimate psychics misinterpret information received or clients misinterpret what they hear.
Additionally, there is a huge difference between a “new” relationship or job, etc. and a “good” one. An honest (and real) psychic and Tarot card reader wants the latter for you as much as you want this for yourself.
As such, they will do their best to pinpoint what or where this might be, and provide guidance, which can help you attain it for yourself. They will equally point out those issues or obstacles that might be hindering progress and provide similar helpful guidance.
Your higher Spiritual Self has a goal and that goal is always to serve you in the highest possible way. It wants you to have exactly what is meant for you and it is always present showing the way. However, you are also a co-creator in the unfolding of your life, and life is in a constant motion of preparation and process.
A good psychic and Tarot card reader taps into energy, and this energy works in conjunction with your Spiritual Guides or Spiritual Self, not against, and the energy expressed is often “potential.” Think of this as something hovering and waiting to land. How or when it lands is up to you.
Metaphorically speaking, if (you) the landing field is clear, ready, balanced, and prepared, you will likely experience a solid landing, which arrives on time.
If, however, the landing field is littered with pot holes (old scars that need healing), weeds that need removing (false or outworn beliefs negatively affecting self-esteem) or the field is a slippery slope (looking for a quick fix, not long-term gain), the landing is likely delayed until inner work is done and repairs are made.
This same principle applies to any other individuals who may be involved in the unfolding process (your life and theirs), in which case, it may take some time. Be patient.
If there is any inner work required, you are the only one who can do it. No one else has a magic wand, magic pill, or any other ability whatsoever to change, alter, hasten up, or slow down your process. You have all of the power and no one else, despite any phony psychic claims made to the contrary, or a legitimate psychic and Tarot card reader who genuinely wants to help. Only you can change yourself.
Do I need to be psychic to learn how to read Tarot cards?
Psychics and Tarot cards are here. Everyone is psychic or intuitive, and anyone who wants to, can learn to read Tarot cards. In fact, learning and using Tarot cards can awaken or deepen your own psychic abilities.
Predictions made by psychics and Tarot cards about my future or destiny: Can I change it?
Any “predictions” via psychics and Tarot cards are presented by a human being, with human frailties, human opinions, and human perceptions, not by an omnipotent being.That is, assuming they are real psychics to begin with.
Personally, I would never give that much power to anyone, including legitimate psychics and Tarot card readers. Secondly, regardless of psychic predictions made about one’s destiny or future, in my opinion, and as controversial as this may sound, the answer is maybe yes and maybe not that you can change it.
Yes, it “seemingly” involves your free will choice, and in that sense, the answer is yes. However, this choice may also require a heightened personal awareness or consciousness and be in alignment with the unconscious God Mind/ Universal Source, otherwise, the answer may be no.
Five years into my deeper studies of Tarot cards, I started to believe that we didn’t have free will. As a result, I had many a friendly argument with others, because at the time, nary a person believed this could be possible and thought I was out of my mind.
Fast forward to 2008, when the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, in collaboration with the Charité University Hospital and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin did a study indicating that our unconscious mind makes decisions up to 7 seconds before our conscious mind becomes aware.
What does this mean? We have long believed that we (our conscious mind) is in control and making decisions, which is essentially enacting our “free will.” But as this study indicated, this may not be the case at all.
For those of us who believe in God / a Universal Guiding Force, in part, this may answer those questions as to why we don’t get what we want exactly when we want it, or we find ourselves walking a completely different path to the one we consciously chose.
Psychics and Tarot card readings can’t alter or change this, they can only enlighten us to what is and potentials. In other words, unless and until we are in alignment with God/the Universal Guiding Force, our so-called free will is limited to only those choices that will eventually bring us there or into alignment.
This may also explain why we might make decisions that are of a repetitive nature, in that we repeat those uncomfortable or unpleasant patterns of experience (same type of destructive intimate relationships, difficulties in the workplace, challenging family issues, etc.).
We must do the required inner work, which brings understanding and transcendence. Doing so eventually breaks these unhealthy patterns. Like it or not, we energetically draw in these experiences and it is our responsibility to learn, change, and grow ourselves, not point blame or hold responsible the other person or situation.
How accurate are psychic / psychic medium TV shows or psychics and Tarot card readers? Why does it seem that information is often out of context? Such as, I see red shoes and the number 26...?
Television and other media are always geared toward making the biggest impact or eliciting a desired response from an audience. Therefore, well executed editing can create a wholly different picture, dependent upon this desired effect. You may see images, text, or spoken words that are completely taken out of context or manipulated.
Because of editing or purposeful manipulation, we may never know the full context or truth of what we see, hear, or read. In the case of psychics and Tarot card readers, this is unfortunate, as we may not know of those moments of inaccuracy, which would go a long way in dispelling the myth that psychics and Tarot card readers are somehow omnipotent or claim to be. This includes televised psychic / psychic medium type shows, as these are examples of deliberate contextual manipulation.
Examples of benign contextual abnormalities: The Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo, or John Edward receive various messages that may seem out of context or in bits and pieces, but this is how Spirit communicates to them. Perhaps departed loved one’s “share” with the psychic medium their idiosyncrasies so they can be recognized and feel heard by those who knew them well. Why otherwise would anyone say red shoes and the number 26?
Psychics and Tarot card readers or psychic mediums and their particular abilities, find expression in a variety of ways and forms. Like all people, each is uniquely different. Rather than try to explain why it may seem out of context, let me provide an example.
Once, I read for a client, I’ll call her Rose, who asked me about her teen stepdaughter, Jenny, who had recently passed. Right away, I (clairaudiently) received the name of a man who, it turns out, was not Jenny’s father, but the name of her father’s boss. I also received a clairvoyant image of vintage motorcycles in perfect condition – one of which was light green in color.
Obviously, one has seemingly nothing to do with the other. But Jenny’s nurse, who cared for her in the hospital, was married to a man who collected vintage motorcycles, and apparently, was also a friend of the boss.
This did not really answer Rose’s initial question in a direct fashion, but it was accurate nonetheless. Who knows the reason for this particular message that Rose received and with additional thought and/or reflection, her answer may become apparent.
On another occasion, I had just finished doing a Tarot reading for a client and she asked me about her sister. Immediately, I had a clairvoyant vision of a woman standing in a large but empty room. I described that she always seemed to be dressed in white clothing, wore her hair in a ponytail, and the jewelry she wore on her hands. I said she wasn’t married, but she was engaged. Suddenly, I also blurted out, who is Edward?
After describing this clairvoyant vision, my client said that her sister had been murdered. She was a karate instructor (the large empty room was her karate studio, and the white clothing, her judogi) and she was engaged to marry a man named Eddie, as my client called him.
My client asked me if Eddie had killed her sister, and since I heard his name (as Edward), I wondered about the same possibility, but I could not be certain.
Psychics and Tarot cards do not control how information comes in or why. We can only do our best to interpret and share what we see, feel, or hear, accept the information as it comes, and do our best not to judge it in the process.
When I ask a psychic a question, I don’t always get a direct yes or no answer or advice about what I should do. Isn’t that what psychics and Tarot card readers are supposed to do?
A good psychic and Tarot card reader, intuitive guide, spiritual counselor, or coach presents information that comes to them or through them and that’s all it is, information. This is not equal to knowing what is right or wrong for you and it is also not saying what you should or shouldn’t do. What you do or don’t do is always up to you.
Every soul has a unique path to follow at any given moment in their life. The role of a psychic and Tarot card reader is to offer new thought, potentials, alternatives, or show a possible way or path, not to choose or walk it for you. The only way we learn is through personal experience. Eventually, each must look within their own heart and decide what feels right to them and what doesn’t.
Additionally, if you receive an answer that seems out of perspective or unrelated to your question, consider this: If you were to say, “Will I meet my true love?”, you would expect your psychic and Tarot card reader to say who, what, where, etc. in their response.
But what if your psychic’s intuition prompts him or her to ask, “Did you start a new job recently?” On the surface, this response is out of perspective, unrelated, and to your frustration, not directly answering your question. However, what if the very relationship you seek is found at your new job?
Legitimate and genuine psychics and Tarot card readers do their best to guide you, but don’t forget, they too are being spiritually guided in the process. Please have understanding, appreciation, and as much as possible, remain open-minded to the information as it is presented.
A psychic and Tarot card reader can’t manipulate psychic information or impose order upon it; all we can do is share the information as we receive it.
How to prepare for a psychic and Tarot card reading:
Psychics and Tarot card readers usually need QUIET to focus. At least, I do. Banging noises and such are distracting. If you are getting a psychic and Tarot card phone reading, start by being in a quiet place without the diversion of ringing phones or other voices.
DO NOT be in your car while driving, or at work if you can be distracted or disturbed. Your ability to focus and be at rest is important, as is the need for quiet, for you and your psychic and Tarot card reader.
You can also prepare by simply focusing on whatever concerns you. Likely, whatever this is, it will come up in your psychic and Tarot card reading, but not always. Keep in mind that your unconscious IS at the helm (your higher self, concerned with what you need, not with what you want), NOT your conscious mind (your thinking mind, who wants what it wants). Therefore, respect what comes through.
What kind of questions should I ask a psychic and Tarot card reader?
This article provides more extensive information on how to ask a psychic and Tarot card reader questions.


Psychics and Tarot Cards: Psychic Abilities
Psychic or healing abilities are God given gifts. Are all psychics and Tarot card readers spiritual or more spiritually advanced than other people are?
According to what I believe, the God Mind (the Universe) created all of us and we are all equally loved. Everything is a gift from God. One being or gift is no greater or lesser than the next, because all are equal in their greatness.
Additionally, spirituality is as spirituality does. In other words, any good psychic and Tarot card reader should walk the talk.
Not long ago, I wandered into a local mechanics shop. A Bible was on the table and the bookshelf was stocked with Christian literature. This was meant to give the impression of a shop operated by people with “Christian values” and integrity. From my personal experience with them, this couldn’t have been further from the truth!
I am a spiritual counselor, psychic and Tarot card reader. I understand metaphysical / Universal / spiritual laws, believe in God or a Higher Intelligence, and practice with honesty and integrity. However, not all psychics are the same as me − any more than mechanics, doctors, plumbers, lawyers, contractors or CPAs are all the same.
Some may be aloof and cantankerous with mad skills, others are friendly and hilarious with marginal skills. And or all of these may or may not be spiritual or act with honesty and integrity.
Human beings are human beings, complete with a light and a dark side. When seeking anyone’s services (including mine), get referrals, read testimonials and/or use sound judgment, which is not based on appearances, such as religious materials or icons, certifications, a nice office, or friendliness.
Is everyone psychic or intuitive and/or are all psychics and Tarot card readers born with this natural gift?
YES. I believe that we are all psychic or intuitive, and yes, we are all born with this natural gift.
Some of us are far more right-brained, therefore, more open or sensitive to psychic energy. Those who have this acute psychic sensitivity have learned not to second-guess or doubt this energy. As for Tarot cards, anyone can learn how to read them, and naturally start tuning into psychic energy as a result.
Those who don’t view themselves as psychic are usually far more left-brained, and therefore, tend to question, doubt, or chalk up psychic experiences as just a coincidence.
Still others prefer to say that they just had a “gut-feeling” (without explaining how their guts were able to think or feel), because it sounds more socially acceptable than saying it was a psychic impression or intuition.
There are loads of psychic phone sites, psychic sites, or psychic chats that will claim only a “chosen few” are psychic, and of course, they “happen to have” these “chosen few” individuals on staff. They will also tell you that anyone who says differently is either wrong or not psychic.
Think about that for a minute and ask yourself, who does it serve? Them or you?
How can I increase my own psychic abilities or intuition?
If you would like to develop or strengthen your psychic abilities, the very best way is through the practice of meditation. Another great way is to learn and use Tarot cards. One must be able to empty their minds of a continuous stream of thoughts, or as I say, get out of your head. Psychic ability and Tarot cards whisper to you, they don’t shout. Being quiet in your mind allows you to hear, feel, or see.
Is there a difference between psychic ability and intuition?
In my opinion, it’s semantics, because both are essentially the same.
For some, intuition may appear as less focused or clear and expressed as a gut-feeling, vague awareness, or instinctual, whereas psychic insight may be more focused, understood, or specific.
To me, the only real difference is that “psychic” equates to social stigma, while “intuition” is a kinder, gentler version for social acceptability.

The Hero's Journey

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We all experience times in our lives when our energy is low, we feel confused, lost, uncertain, sad, or just curious about how, what if, where or why.
Psychics and Tarot cards are wonderful tools to discern what is happening. A psychic and Tarot card reading can provide clarity of purpose, insight, direction, spiritual guidance, enlightenment, profound understanding, spiritual awakening, and discovery of hidden talents; all providing a means in which to make better life choices or decisions.
Psychic phone readings by a real psychic
Psychic and Tarot card readings by a legitimate psychic in: California CA, Washington WA, Colorado CO, Pennsylvania PA, Maryland MD, Florida FL, Alaska AK, Kansas KS, Nebraska NE, Delaware DE, Tennessee TN, Utah UT, Massachusetts MA, Hawaii HI
Psychic and Tarot card readings by a legitimate psychic in: Oregon OR, Arizona AZ, North Carolina NC, New Mexico NM, Connecticut CT, Texas TX, Georgia GA, Idaho ID, Illinois IL, Indiana IN, Iowa IA, Louisiana LA, Missouri MO, Maine ME, Michigan MI, Minnesota MN, Montana MT
Psychic and Tarot card readings by a legitimate psychic in: New York NY, New Jersey NJ, Nevada NV, New Hampshire NH, Wyoming WY, North Dakota ND, Ohio OH, Arkansas AR, Alabama AL, Rhode Island RI, South Carolina SC, West Virginia WV, South Dakota SD, Vermont VT, Kentucky KY, Virginia VA, Wisconsin WI, Oklahoma OK, Mississippi MS
Psychic and Tarot card readings by a legitimate psychic in: South America, Australia, Great Britain (UK), France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and most countries / continents.
Frequently Misspelled Words:
Psychic is commonly misspelled as: Phsycic, phsycich, phychic, phycic, phyphic, phyic, phychic, phycic, physic, physchic, pshycic, pshyshic, psychich, psychis, psychye, psycic, psycis, psycyc, psyhic, psysic, pychic, pyhch, pyhchic, pyhic, pyschic, pyscic, pyshic, pyshuc, pysich, pysic, sychic, sycic, sykic
Tarot is commonly misspelled as: Taro, Tarro, Tarrot, Traot, Tarots, Terro
Astrology or astrological is commonly misspelled as: Astology, astorlgy, astorlogy astrolegy, astrolgy, atrology, astological, astorlogical, astorlogal, atrological
Legitimate Psychic is commonly misspelled as: Legit psychic, legitamite psychic, legitimit psychic, legitimite psychic
Psychic Sophie, a real psychic and accurate psychic readings: ask about love, relationships, work, money, career advice, family, clarity, business, soul direction, or spirit-spiritual counsel and more.