Psychic Sophie
Accurate Psychic Readings—Honest, Ethical, and Direct
Due to illness, Sophie will not be available for readings until February 28, 2025, possibly later. Please DO NOT schedule, pay for appointments, or expect a response until after that date. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Accurate Psychic Readings by Psychic Sophie
Accurate psychic readings or the best phone psychic readings are probably the most sought out qualities in a psychic; on par to finding a real psychic who is honest, ethical, and direct. You also want a phone psychic with whom you can feel comfortable, safe, and trust − and someone who will actually help you.
As a psychic and spiritual counselor in Los Angeles for over 30 years; whether you are concerned about love, soul mate and other relationships, your soul’s purpose, spirituality, career, family, work, or business, or you’re feeling lost and confused, I can help bring you some clarity and peace of mind. When was the last time you felt that way?
If you are new here, please have a look around. The links at the very top or bottom will bring you to a lot of good and helpful information; including making an appointment, about psychics and Tarot cards in general or my services and rates.
Longstanding clients or if you know where you want to go, click on one of the images below and it will get you there − quickly!
A PayPal account is NOT required
Available 7 Days
A FREE copy of your recorded reading is available!

10:00 am–11:00 pm Eastern
9:00 am–10:00 pm Central
8:00 am–9:00 pm Mountain
7:00 am–8:00 pm Pacific
Testimonials of Accurate Psychic Readings
For obvious reasons, accurate psychic readings are important, and you want the most accurate psychic reading attainable. You also want a real psychic doing the best psychic phone reading.
Client testimonials reflect my accurate psychic readings, ability to connect on a deeper level, and my sincere desire to help. Relationships are a specialty. I have a notable and uniquely different approach to pinpoint any problem areas, offer sound advice, and give concrete solutions.
Over the years, I have maintained repeat clients, and they have referred me time and again to friends and family. I am truly grateful for their love and care.
Wow. All I can say is wow. Sophie was incredible. She gave me answers and cleared thoughts in my head that I have been having for quite some time. She knew about situations that just happened prior to our reading, and she knew about situations from my past. I cannot thank you enough, Sophie. You are truly gifted!
“SHOCKED”…during the reading! I had to mention that…everything she mentioned was so true…I didn’t have to tell her about anything that was going on I just sat there and listened and all I could do was agree…

Sophie, I truly believe you are a real psychic – you mentioned things in my reading that are happening in my life without me telling you anything. You are the real thing! Thanks!
I have been thrilled with the readings I have had with Sophie. I have told her nothing about me yet she seems to know exactly what I am feeling and what is going on in my life. Her insight and advice are invaluable. She is truly gifted. I believe she is a true psychic. I appreciate her honesty and that she tells it as she sees it…
Accurate Psychic Readings and Tarot Card Readings
In a Tarot card deck, the Moon card aptly describes those times in life when you feel lost, confused, vulnerable, scared, or overwhelmed with problems that never seem to end.
Thankfully, every Tarot card also expresses its dualities, just as life does. In every moment of unhappiness or loss of hope, there is also the seed for great potential and bright new beginnings. You just need to know where to look, and an honest, accurate psychic reading can help point the way.
Achieving the greatest degree of self-awareness and enlightenment of your soul is through your experiences and choices in day-to-day living. All life experiences, in small or large part, have bearing on your emotional, mental, and spiritual process, as well as your ability to live a happy and balanced life.
Accurate psychic readings are important to illuminate and clarify those issues that brought you to this point and provide the necessary information to help you move forward.

The Best Accurate Psychic Readings by Phone
I will provide you with the best accurate psychic readings by phone as possible. I welcome the opportunity to assist you in finding answers, bringing clarity to your life and/or spiritual concerns, aid you in making the best choices for yourself, and presenting new forms of thought and/or behavioral changes to uplift self-esteem. Your spiritual soul and quality of life is of tremendous importance to me.
So, while your motivation is fulfilled by finding a real, honest psychic who provides accurate psychic readings and genuine psychic guidance; hopefully, I too have my motivation fulfilled by contributing to a positive difference in your life.
I have written several articles that I hope will help you to make the most informed choice about the best psychic for you, as well as what to be aware of before making that choice. You will also find articles on the purpose of Tarot cards, if psychic abilities are real, how to find a real psychic, free will versus fate, numerology, the Observer Effect, and other ponderings.
Accurate Psychic Readings by Psychic Sophie since 1993
Accurate psychic readings in: California CA New York NY Oregon OR Massachusetts MA Texas TX Virginia VA Colorado CO Pennsylvania PA Connecticut CT New Jersey NJ Maryland MD New Mexico NM North Carolina NC Delaware DE Florida FL Georgia GA
Accurate psychic readings in: Nevada NV Idaho ID Illinois IL Kentucky KY Indiana IN Iowa IA Kansas KS Louisiana LA Alabama AL Michigan MI Arizona AZ Arkansas AR Maine ME New Hampshire NH Mississippi MS Missouri MO Montana MT Nebraska NE Vermont VT
Accurate psychic readings in: Hawaii HI Washington WA Wyoming WY Oklahoma OK Minnesota MN North Dakota ND Ohio OH Rhode Island RI Wisconsin WI West Virginia WV Alaska AK South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Utah UT
Accurate psychic readings, Outside of the USA and Canada: Europe, such as Great Britain (UK), Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, and most countries. North America (Canada), Asia, Africa, South America, Australia
My many years of interest, study, application and/or teaching of metaphysical subjects, spirituality, and modalities includes: Astrology, Tarot cards, numerology, development of psychic abilities, psychometry, Reiki, natural healing, clairvoyance, telepathy, crystals, clairaudience, spiritual healing energy and prayer, meditation, chakras, clairsentience, paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, metaphysics in general, Hermetic and other philosophy, runes, auras, dream interpretation, quantum theory, New Age and other religions, palmistry, and Kabbalah.
Frequently Misspelled Words:
Psychic is commonly misspelled as: Phsycic, phsycich, phychic, phycic, phyphic, phyic, phychic, phycic, physic, physchic, pshycic, pshyshic, psychich, psychis, psychye, psycic, psycis, psycyc, psyhic, psysic, pychic, pyhch, pyhchic, pyhic, pyschic, pyscic, pyshic, pyshuc, pysich, pysic, sychic, sycic, sykic
Accurate psychic is commonly misspelled as: Acurate phsycic, accrate psycic, acurate psycik
Tarot is commonly misspelled as: Taro, Tarro, Tarrot, Traot, Tarots, Terro
Astrology or astrological is commonly misspelled as: Astology, astorlgy, astorlogy astrolegy, astrolgy, atrology, astological, astorlogical, astorlogal, atrological
Legitimate Psychic is commonly misspelled as: Legit psychic, legitamite psychic, legitimit psychic, legitimite psychic
Real accurate psychic readings, Psychic Sophie: ask about love, relationships, work, money, career advice, family, clarity, business, soul direction, or spirit-spiritual counsel and more.