Ask a Psychic – Questions to Ask a Psychic


At times, we all need a little direction or mentoring in life, and you have questions, so you decide to ask a psychic …

You haven’t found that one true love. Will you ever? You’ve applied for that much needed job; will you get it? You are tired of living paycheck to paycheck. Will you ever make a lot of money? These are typical questions that one might ask a psychic. However…

Unless you are very familiar with your psychic, and even then, I am not a big fan of providing psychics any information at the onset of a psychic reading. This includes the purpose of your visit and/or questions you have for them−and for good reason. You could receive a scripted psychic reading or be the victim of a fake psychic.

I have no issue with asking a psychic some questions during the psychic reading and below are some good guidelines to follow for that.

What is a Scripted Psychic Reading and How do I Avoid it?


A scripted psychic reading is easy for a fake psychic to provide, and you help them do it by giving them information.

Giving a phone psychic any information at the start provides them a basis point to work from. It’s like giving the psychic your idea for a screenplay, of which, they’ll happily write the story for you. It will be tailored to your life, and likely, it will be entirely fictional.

For example:

You’ve found a phone psychic, and they ask the purpose of your call. You respond, “I want to know about my love life.” Now they know your concern is love.

The phone psychic will need more information from you to “script” your psychic reading, so will ask more leading questions, or make comments, such as, “Aw hon, did you just break-up or did you want to see if someone new is coming in?” You respond, “We just broke up and I can’t stop crying or thinking about him/her. I want to know if he/she will come back.” Now they know it’s a break-up and you are unhappy about it. They also know you want the person back.

From here, the fake psychic writes your screenplay, and it will be tailor made to include everything you wanted to hear—he/she is coming back, and to drive home the false narrative, they will tell you a made-up time frame. Doing so makes you believe they know something, and since you are a captive audience, with them telling you what you want to hear, you effectively give them permission to continue.

During the scripted psychic reading, you might also ask if he/she was seeing someone else or some other leading question, all of which provides the “psychic” with even more information to expound their “story.”

Some psychics working at psychic networks could charge $3.95-$13.00 per minute and up, this fictional story is going to cost you—a lot. As much as $390.00 for a 30-minute psychic reading! If your lover doesn’t return, you will likely go back to this same psychic, who will tweak the story and send you off again. Or you’ll seek out another phone psychic, after all, you want to believe…

If you ask a phone psychic if a new love is coming in, you have more or less given them free reign to come up with anything, especially if they are unscrupulous.

Often, these phony psychics literally have index cards they script from; color-coded tabs based on love/relationships, money, travel, family, work, and the like!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: a real psychic doesn’t ask questions unless they need clarity on what they have already told you and they don’t need pointers or direction. In all likelihood, the important issues in your life will appear during your phone psychic / Tarot reading, without you providing any information.

Ask a Psychic

What is a Good Question to Ask a Psychic?


Questions come in myriad forms. Although a question is usually simple and straightforward, sometimes, like an onion, there are layers. Don’t ask a phone psychic superficial questions. Ask a psychic root-type questions.

If you ask a phone psychic top layer questions, they are generally more superficial, in that any answer received is likely to be fleeting or not helpful. But, if you pull away the layers, you get to the root, and if you ask a phone psychic root-type questions, they are king. Why?

Like a flowering plant, if the roots are healthy, the most beautiful flowers will bloom, and you will have continuous growth. If the roots are unhealthy, any topical or superficial treatment done to the leaves will do nothing, and you will be left with a plant that is withering.

Similarly, if you decide to ask a phone psychic for direction, rather than ask superficial questions, which will leave you still withering, unhappy, or confused, ask a phone psychic root questions that will allow you to bloom and flourish. The difference between superficial questions and root questions to ask a psychic follows.

Ethical and gifted psychics will tell you, not the other way around. Therefore, the type of questions to ask a phone psychic; if properly asked, will allow for your best psychic reading.

This gives you opportunities to gain clarity and understanding, and the ability to see how good your psychic really is at connecting to you during the psychic Tarot reading process. You will also know if you had an accurate psychic reading.

Further, you will know if you’ve found a phony psychic or one unsuited for you. If you didn’t give them any information, you will have made it hard to script a reading, and you will note the “psychic” became flustered, or the reading process less smooth.

“Will I” Versus “What can I” Questions. Which is Better to Ask a Psychic?


If you ask a psychic “will I” type questions, it implies that you are powerless to make things happen, or to change any given situation. You aren’t.

How would it serve you if a psychic reading concedes you are powerless over your own life (will I?), or you receive a simplistic answer (like yes or no) that doesn’t really address the core/root issue? Ask a psychic a “will I” type question, and it too will open the door for a scripted psychic reading.

“What can I” type questions will put the power in your hands where it belongs.

You are capable of making things happen; sometimes, you just need a little direction or mentoring. Ask a psychic “what can I” type questions. This requires the psychic to really read you. Without information, a gifted psychic and/or Tarot card reader will be able to give details, and pinpoint aspects unique to you and you will know it.

Don’t ask a psychic, will I:

  • Will I find true love?
  • Will I make a lot of money?
  • Will I get a job?

Instead, ask a psychic what can I:

  • What can I do to improve my chances of finding true love?
  • What can I do to become more successful?
  • I want a job that I love. What type of work best suits my talents and abilities?

“Should I” Versus “Clarity” Questions. Which is Better to Ask a Psychic?


If you ask a psychic “should I” type questions, it implies uncertainty, and no one can really tell you what you “should” or “shouldn’t” do. Again, you are not powerless.

Who knows you better than yourself?

What you need is some clarity or fresh perspectives, so you can be empowered to make the best decision for yourself. If you ask a psychic “should I” type questions, it also indicates a sense of powerlessness, additionally, a desire to put the responsibility on someone else to decide your life for you. Your life is your responsibility.

“Should I” questions also open space for a scripted psychic reading. Questions posed for needed clarity makes a real psychic really tune into you and provide detailed guidance based on your unique needs or experience, without information from you.

Don’t ask a psychic, should I:

  • Should I leave my boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • Should I move?
  • Should I take this job offer?

Instead, ask a psychic for clarity:

  • I’m having a lot of challenges in my relationship and not sure how I feel. I could use some fresh perspectives so I can make the best decision for myself.
  • I feel stuck and unhappy. What are some things I can do to change it?
  • I’m not sure if I would prefer to stay with the job I have or take the one being offered. Can you shed some light and/or provide pros and cons?

Ask a Psychic

Ask a Psychic: Who, What, Why, or Where questions.


Some phone psychics or psychic network sites will tell you not to ask a psychic questions that begin with who, what, why, or where. They say this might restrict you from receiving insight into the bigger picture. Really? It is more likely this allows them to bypass specificity or psychic accuracy.

From my perspective, questions that start with a specific question, requires a specific answer. These types of questions require the phone psychic or Tarot card reader to really tune into you, uniquely you; therefore, they cannot get away with a generality that could apply to anyone.

A good psychic will be able to provide specific answers. They can say who, what, why, and where. They might not always be exact; green eyes or blue, and providing they receive the psychic information in the first place, they should also be able to identify the difference between a car or plane, a gas station, or a restaurant, etc.

Some of these same psychic network sites might ask—what is the point in knowing something that specific? How does it help with the bigger picture? Again, aside from helping to identify a real psychic and/or Tarot card reader from a phony one; sometimes, it helps to broaden the scope of information by pinpointing a detail. For instance, rather than just hearing there is a problem with your home, it helps to know if it’s a plumbing problem or a foundational one.

The only issues that could potentially arise from these sorts of questions would hinge upon your level of expectation or ability to keep an open mind. You also need patience and allow things to unfold. It could become a case of not seeing the forest for the trees—paying too much attention or placing focus on who, what, why, or where and miss the message or information received, which is the bigger picture.

Getting a band-aid for a gaping wound will not serve you. Ask a psychic those questions that will promote clarity and understanding, as well as opportunities for personal or spiritual growth. Ask a psychic the type of questions whereby the answers will actually help you.

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